ships are sorted in alphabetical order! to search for a specific pairings ship name, search "[character] x [character]" (names in alphabetical order).
sorry if there are more commonly used names for any of these ships, i haven't really seen that many named paldea ships!

EphemeralArtShipping - Brassius x Hassel
FireWallShipping - Mela x Penny
GreatestTreasureShipping - Florian x Juliana
LakeHouseShipping - Sada x Turo
PaldeaShipping - Arven x Nemona
PermafrostShipping - Grusha x Rika
PowerLineShipping - Iono x Rika
SnowyStreamerShipping - Grusha x Iono
StarfallShipping - Juliana x Penny
TimeMixShipping - Arven x Giacomo
WorkDayShipping - Hassel x Larry
ZeroShipping - Clavell x Turo
ZeroTrioShipping - Clavell x Sada x Turo