ships are sorted in alphabetical order! to search for a specific pairings ship name, search "[character] x [character]" (names in alphabetical order).
since we added alternate suggestions for certain ship names here, the more common names for some of these ships will be listed at the bottom of the page.

ApplinShipping - Milo x Raihan
AquaHeartShipping - Nessa x Sonia
AuroraVeilShipping - Melony x Shielbert
BrattyShipping - Bede x Victor
CheeryFairyShipping - Bede x Hop
DamselShipping - Sonia x Sordward
DressedInPinkShipping - Bede x Gloria
eBoyShipping - Piers x Raihan
ForceFieldShipping - Avery x Milo
GloryWinnerShipping - Gloria x Victor
GothGfShipping - Gloria x Marnie
IFornicatedWithYourMotherShipping - Shielbert x Protagonist's Mum
InaccuracyShipping - Shielbert x Sonia
LionHeartShipping - Leon x Sonia
PastelGothShipping - Bede x Marnie
PostwickShipping - Gloria x Hop
PsychRockShipping - Avery x Piers
PunkBladeShipping - Marnie x Victor
PunkRockShipping - Gordie x Piers
QueenOfHeartsShipping - Sordward x Sonia x Shielbert*
RevoltShipping - Piers x Shielbert
RoyalShieldShipping - Leon x Shielbert
ShadowGardenShipping - Milo x Piers
SherbertShipping - Gordie x Shielbert
SmeltShipping - Kabu x Peony
TrainShipping - Hop x Victor
TrueRivalShipping - Leon x Raihan
WaterLilyShipping - Milo x Nessa
WyndonShipping - Hop x Marnie
*this ship name refers to the context of them both being paired with sonia and is only intended to be used in that context. basically don't use this ship name if you're shipping the twins.

other additional alternate ship names that i wanted to list:
MallPunkShipping - Bede x MarniePinkRockShipping - Gloria x Marnie
RewriteShipping - Sonia x Sordward
SelfieShipping - Leon x Raihan